First Pictures of Opening Day

"The first pictures of the opening day scenes at the Los Angeles ball park Tuesday were received this morning. The picture at the top shows a part of the opening day ceremony prior to the start of the game. Left to right, the figures are: Bruce Guerin, Los Angeles mascot; Marty Krug, Angel manager; Jack Dempsey, world's heavyweight champion; "Red" Killefer, Seattle pilot; Sherrif Traeger of Los Angeles; Mayor Cryer of Los Angeles; Agnes Ayres, motion picture star, who was honorary umpire. The lower view shows Cliff Brady, Seattle second baseman, being tagged off first base in the third inning. George Cutshaw is on the coaching line. Old Doc Crandall is the pitcher who has just heaved the ball to Golvin." Seattle Daily Times, reported Friday, April 11, 1924. Game was on Tuesday.